About Me

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My name is Jeannie. I am a Mommy/Wife by day and a Registered Nurse by night.



Where to begin! I had so much fun this week. Since nursing school first began, we all joked around that on the last day of class, we would all jump in the reflection pool and fountain at ASU. Well, only a few of us actually took this seriously. We took our finals with our suits on and beach towels in our "pack packs." It was freezing cold, but I'm a woman of my word, as you can see. Mom and Dad got me a lladro...I had my eye on the nursing one before I even got into the program, so I was pretty excited about it:) We decorated our caps before graduation, that was a blast! I'm usually not all about the arts and crafts movement, but this was really a swell time. Before the actual ceremony we went over to my friends apartment in Downtown Phoenix and had a little get together. I'm going to miss these gals so much I can't even tell ya. It feels great to be finished, but I'm finding myself stressed about nothing. So weird. I think nursing school allowed me to gear my stress towards something, so I was productive. Since I have graduated all I have done is spend a lot of money shopping...for myself. Not good. Anywho, woohoo for me! I'm so excited! Oh, and I'd like to give a shout out to JASON for being so supportive! mmmmmmwaaaaa


Emily Lauren said...

Congratulations Jeannie!!! That's such a big accomplishment and has to be a wonderful feeling. I know what you mean about the productive thing. I spend so much more money when I'm not in school. Especially with it being the holidays. Don't feel too bad though, you deserve to spoil yourself. :)
Conrats again. You're officially a nurse, that's so cool.

Krystal Arnett said...

Wohooooo...I am so proud of you. I love all the pics and you look so dern cute in your cap and gown. I can't wait to play so you better get ready to party harty. Love ya.

Brea said...

Congratulations Jeannie! That is so awesome! I'm so happy for you! I love your caps that you made. What a cute idea!

Josh and Elisha said...

Congrats girl! Now that you are done with school does that mean I will finally get to see my soulmate, I hope so! And you look so hot in your swimsuit.

Josh and Elisha said...

Congrats girl! Now that you are graduated I hope to see more of my soulmate. And by the way, you look so hot in your swimsuit!

Devin & Ruthann said...

Yea!!! That's so exciting! So much hard work and all done! That's awesome!

Josh and Elisha said...

I am totally up for a shlogging partner ( I am a slow runner). I will start my running and then hopefully Febuary we can be partners--I would totally love it! It would be a two-fer: hanging with my soulmate and getting my workout in.

*Becky* said...

Your pictures are so fun!! I'm glad I found your blog. I would love to chat with you more about your experiences in school at at work. That scares me that most places are on a hiring freeze!! Crap.

Candi said...

Congrats! I am so happy you found me! The last time we talked was the day of your wedding. It is so great to hear from you and see all of the wonderful accomplishments you have had in your life. I hope we can catch up sometime.

Congrats on your graduation.... I cant wait to get there in May! :) Crazy that you have been going to the nursing school in downtown phoenix where I have been going for the nonprofit degree. Life is so crazy how things happen. Well feel free to email, chenriqu@asu.edu so we can talk more.

Candi said...

Congrats!!! I cant believe you found me! The last time we talked was the day of your wedding. I am so happy to see all of your accomplishments in life. I hope we can catch up soon.

Congrats on your graduation!..... I cant wait to be there in May:) It is crazy how life is, I believe you have been going to the downtown campus for Nursing where I have been going for the Nonprofit degree. Wired how things work out! Well hope we can talk more, feel free to email me chenriqu@asu.edu!

I am so excited that you found me :)