About Me

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My name is Jeannie. I am a Mommy/Wife by day and a Registered Nurse by night.



Alright folks, so I got hired! Wooohooo! I didn't exactly use Dwight's strategy, but I think it's a good one. I love Dwight... anywho... Many people assume that because nurses are in such high demand that this horrible economy isn't affecting health care that much. Most people also think that after graduating from nursing school it is really easy to find a job.I used to be one of those people. I'm here to tell you that it just simply isn't true. My graduating class has had the most difficult time finding positions because many of the floors at the hospitals are on "hiring freezes" for new grads. Well anyway, now you know. I was really worried that I would have to settle for something that didn't interest me very much. Those worries are long gone now:) So, I had an interview at St. Joe's for a position on the acute neuro unit. I was really excited about it because it's part of Barrow Neurological Institute, which is internationally known and extremely well ranked. They offered me a position right after my interview and I accepted! I'm so excited and can't wait to work there. It's such a nice unit.


Jami said...

OH, I am so happy for you. I am trying to finish my nursing pre-recs. It is taking me forever b/c I have a little one!
But I am so impressed that you are at such a wonderful hospital, and unit.

The Blakes said...

Jami, Thank you so much! I'm really excited. No worries, it was hard enough without any kids. I think it's amazing that you are still able to be in school! If you ever need anything for those classes, I have extra books and stuff. I didn't sell most of them back. Just let me know if I can help:)Study buddy, someone to vent your frustrations to, whatever, just let me know:)

Ericka Johnson said...

Congrats Jeannie! I'll bet you are excited and glad that the whole job hunt/interview thing is over!

Krystal Arnett said...

Congrats, that is so awesome and you are so a Bella. Now that you may have some more free time, you need to read the books. They are the best!!!!

Brea said...

Congrats!!! that is so exciting especially in this economy!! Anyway, Dwight is seriously hilarious! truly cracks me up every week. Glad to know that there is other Dwight fans out there. :)

Anonymous said...

Jeanie:D WOW!! CON Freakin GRATS GIRL!! That is really exciting!! You will be rolling in the big $$$ now.. Can I say jealous..??? Ok then...I hope that you are doing well. I miss you always <3 xo

Liz said...

Congrats! That must be so comforting to know you have a job after you graduate!

Josh and Elisha said...

Congrats girl! You deserve it, I know you are going to be an awesome nurse! I love you and am so proud of my soulmate!

Barnes Blog said...

Cute posts. Congrats on graduating and getting a job, that's awesome.
Ya, I love Adele, she's pretty much amazing. And yes, so are my onesies, I love them too. ;)
I'll let Matt know you said hi.
Thanks for dropping a line. Good luck with your job and your "dumb" hubby. :)

Hannah + 4 said...

Congrats on the job! Before I read your comment about Olivia going fishing with Zac and his friends, my mom or Zac told me they were going and I remember thinking that could be dangerous... and then I read your comment and it made me laugh!